Minnesota Somalis
About 5 percent of Minneapolis is Somalian, but already 1 in 3 city residents living in public housing are Somali. One third!
Now, the first Somali immigrant to chair the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority has pleaded guilty to stealing more than $7.5 million in taxpayer money, as a leading figure in the massive Feeding Our Future fraud. Dozens of people, overwhelmingly from the Somali community, stole more than $50 million while Tim Walz's government did nothing to stop them — after all, that would have been racist.
This is lunacy. America is one of the most desirable nations in human history. Instead of admitting useful people who would make the country better, we have admitted millions who are immediately going on the dole, either overtly or by stealing from the public.
Democrats enable this, because they don't see America as a real country. They see it as a pile of money for their clients to loot.
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