Fifth Generation Warfare: The war of information and perception

Why have so many deranged activists taken to the streets? They’re calling for a ceasefire because they seek peace, right? No, they want to protect the terror organization that slaughtered 1400 people on  October 7th, including 30 Americans, and took 240 hostages, among whom are more than a dozen U.S. citizens.

We have become such a sissified population more concerned about he/she/her/him/it/they terminology than taking care of the things that truly matter. Things like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

We’re at war and this war is a 5GW war being waged right here on American soil and it is being waged by elements of our own government against its own citizens. 

Our nation is at very serious risk of collapse, all done intentionally, in order to “build it back better” in the image the globalists desire. 

Speak up American patriots, otherwise forever hold your tongues (and forever is a long time).


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