Transgenderism Leads to Grooming

Dear Liberals,

This is the problem, as I view it. Most folks don't have an issue with Pride month. Even my straight married friends who have kids. They have gay friends. They've been to Pride parties and events. They are comfortable in who they are. They even laugh along when my fellow gay friends make fun of them. It's ok to poke fun at ourselves- we should do it as often as possible.

No one cares that you have Pride - for months, years, decades - whatever you choose. If you want to celebrate your sexuality every day for the rest of your life, be my guest. But what I am not ok with is the expectation that my straight friends should throw their kids into the celebration just because you believe it's the virtuous thing to do. They are not obligated to expose their children to anything they don't feel is appropriate for their level of understanding and maturity.

It's their job as parents to decide when they're ready to learn about the more complicated aspects of human life, and if they don't think the time is right then that's just what it is. You don't have the right to make that decision for them and you certainly don't have the right to sneakily introduce them to confusing concepts around sex and gender when they're not present. That's called grooming and it's tantamount to luring a child for sex. These families will educate their children on these matters when they're ready. That sentiment is not equal to hate or bigotry, it's just called being a responsible parent. Furthermore, I deeply resent this postmodern view on gender being forcibly thrust upon the rest of the gay community as if we now have to carry the mantle for transgenderism because liberals just assume they're the same thing. They're not the same thing. At all. Most gay men and women bear as much connection to transgenderism as heterosexual society does. Your proclivity to add a letter to an ever growing acronym because you discovered some new sexual identity you don't understand is showing us what you really think; that they're a freakshow. Toss them into the circus tent with the other absurdities. I for one don't believe in that. Nor do I believe that my straight brothers and sisters should be encouraging any of their kids to take part in it either. They will learn about the world as they grow, and as they learn, their parents will be there to explain the more difficult concepts. That's their job. That's what they do. LEAVE THE CHILDREN OUT OF YOUR FUCKING POLITICS!


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