Military Pride

I apologize to my friends who said changing the military policy of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell would lead to craziness like transexuals serving.

I said it wouldn’t. I was wrong. I’m sorry.

I believed DADT was a silly policy since we all knew gay people in the military who served honorably but were forced to pretend they weren’t gay.

We were told all of this influenced Obama to change the policy. I wish it had been that simple and a dumb policy had just gotten changed, but the Left had much wilder plans and that's how we ended up with the dysfunctional mess we have now.

At the time I answered the many friends and colleagues who opposed this that it was only basic fairness since they were already serving. I said there was no way the military was crazy enough to allow people with a condition that required massive medications and surgeries that are incompatible with the mental and physical fitness military duty requires. Again, I WAS WRONG.

Our broken culture decided the feelings of the few override the needs of the many and so the slippery slope to the military as a playground for the queer agenda was fully greased. This was part of a full woke destruction of the military ethos and discipline needed that included racist CRT policies and climate change garbage.

Our military is now a joke, a shattered husk of its former status as the greatest fighting force and power to create freedom and prosperity it once was. Recruiting is nearly impossible so the standards are dropping to basically requiring a pulse and the ability to keep a uniform off the ground. Readiness is no better as the personnel spend more time on Pride parades and pronoun practice than on warfighting.

We allowed them to destroy the vital concept of "normal", in pursuit of inclusivity and the fantasy that no one’s feelings should ever be hurt. But the military was once a meritocracy with rigorous standards for mental and physical fitness that allowed a cohesive and competent fighting force to emerge. Not everyone can be part of that for a large number of reasons. But that list of disqualifiers is being shredded.

First it was in the name of allowing all who want to serve and then to ensure the issues they brought with them were accommodated. Later it just became an easy lab to conduct social engineering using woke dogma. You can order people in the military to comply with things you must ask or influence civilians to do.

And so they ordered our military to lead the way to wokeness not to a warrior spirit and we now have drag queens recruiting for the Navy and leadership decisions made based on who will be most supportive of the queer agenda.

Our whole culture lost its collective mind and allowed this to infect all our major institutions sadly including the education system. But that was the mistake the crusaders of queerness made. They went after the kids.

Once parents saw the kind of indoctrination into perversion they were shoving down our kids throats, a counterattack was born. It is well underway and growing constantly. This is not a hate of the people who believe they are one of the infinite flavors of queer. And to the extent they will live their lives without pushing their sexual and identity issues on us and our kids. We have no problems with them.

But our culture is not based on a sexual identity free for all and there are places it is fundamentally inappropriate. A functioning military and a normal education system are two.

So again, I’m sorry for my part in hastening the decline. But I have been working diligently since then to try and help our society regain its sanity. I hate to have a positive attitude, but I think we are seeing a chance to win. So let’s drive on.


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