
Showing posts from February, 2024

The MAGA Movement

It’s been ugly and uncomfortable taking back the Republican Party from the grip of globalist warmongers.  Media and Democrats took joy watching our infighting.  But We the People ultimately won this hard fought battle. Democrat voters are stuck with no ability to even vote for someone other than Biden and are controlled by Pelosi, Schumer, and George Soros. But Republicans took out Paul Ryan, Liz Cheney, Uncle Mitt Romney, Adam "micropenis" Kinzinger, Ronna "do nothing" McRomney, Kevin "cuck" McCarthy, and Glitch McConnell. And to top it off, we have Trump as the GOP nominee once again. The years of fighting have been worth it.  We the People now control the Republican Party.  Soon we will control the United States of America. God bless the America First movement that is saving this country from a Marxist takeover.